Field Trip Request Field Trip Request form Thank you for contacting us. We are here to better assist you in your Field Trips. Field Trip Request Form Field Trip approved by Area Principal/Director(Required) This Field Trip has already been approved by my School Area/PrincipalI acknowledge that the Field Trip I’m about to submit has already been approved by my school area Principal, Director or Supervisor.General InformationFaculty/Staff's Name:(Required) First Last School Area(Required)Primary SchoolSecondary SchoolAdministrativeFaculty/Staff's Email(Required) Phone Number(Required) PS Grade LevelsPathwaysKindergartenFirstSecondThirdFourthFifthAll PSSS Grade LevelsSixthSeventhEighthNinthTenthEleventhTwelfthAll SSAll MSAll HSSubject Field Trip RequestPlace of Field Trip(Required) Exact Address(Required) Departure Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Departure Time(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Arrival Date: MM slash DD slash YYYY Arrival Time: Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Learning Target(Required) Assessment or Project Related (Formative/Summative)(Required) What is the objective of this field trip and how is this field trip related to your grade-level/subject curriculum?(Required)What will students do before and after they attend the field trip to maximize the benefit of new learning, new language, and new experiences?(Required)Amount of Students(Required)Amount of Chaperones(Required)Include teachers/paraprofessionals, parents or any other staff.TotalProvide list of chaperonesLogistical requirements?(Required) Transportation (Less than 15) Transportation (More than 20) Food Drinks Tour Guide Nurse Graphic Design (invite) This information will help us calculate the costs of the field trip.What do students need to prepare themselves?(Required) Lunch Snack Water bottle Hat Proper walking shoes Sunscreen Backpack ANS Uniform Colored Clothing Transportation Company (More than 20)(Required) Adel Panamco Transportation Company (Less than 15)(Required) ANS Bus Any other logistical requirement or need for this Field Trip request?I have approval from my Principal(Required) Yes No Upload Principal's approval(Required)Max. file size: 512 MB. Δ